Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Do you know what you are getting yourself into?

So, I survived my first official week as a JV and have swiftly moved into my second week! Can't believe I'm already here, working and living and well-into this crazy journey.

I wrote this blog entry earlier from (drum roll please) my own desk in my own office! I know, I know, so official. For those of you who don't know, I am spending my volunteer year at the Seton Home, which is a residential facility for homeless teenage girls, both pregnant and parenting, that have chosen to keep their babies. My position falls under the Spirituality Department, and I will be working as the Faith Formation Coordinator. This means that I will be planning and leading youth group meetings for the girls each week (which are optional for them) that provide these teens a weekly time for them to reflect on their experiences and (hopefully) grow in their faith and what they believe. I've realized that my position doesn't require me to have all of these profound answers, but rather to just provide these girls with a space to talk, listen, learn, and reflect. I've already come up with a ton of ideas (mostly inspired by my time in the incredible USD SEARCH community), and I can't wait to see how this year unfolds. I will also be, at times, taking the girls to mass (again, optional and only if they want to go) on Sundays, putting together the monthly newsletter, and accompanying/checking in with new residents as they start their time at Seton Home.

So, my first day was last Wednesday, and for the time being I am getting a ride to work with the former JV who had my position, Mary-Kate, who is awesome and hysterical and now a full-time staff member at Seton Home this year. She has been an incredible resource for me so far, if I've had any questions or problems with anything, she has been right there to help in any way. In the first couple days, the majority of my time was spent walking around, getting acquainted with the campus, meeting the staff, learning all the ins and outs of the organization, and most importantly, meeting the residents and their little ones! It has been very interesting, to say the least. Some of the residents are very warm and friendly and ready to meet new people, but others are, let's just say, less warm and friendly. But that is what I expected, quite frankly. These girls have been through so much in their short lives, and I wouldn't expect them to be anything less than guarded. I just hope that as time goes on, they can start to see me as an ally and someone who wants to listen, rather than a stranger that doesn't care. I've already met and gotten to know a couple girls and their babies, and I have a few favorites already! And for the record, holding a 7month old baby is probably the best stress-reliever ever. Anyway, everyone has been extremely friendly and welcoming, and I am so excited to really get into my job here. It's something so different from what I thought I wanted to do, but I am ready and up for the challenge... I hope!

As far as life at home goes, the Casa G girls have been working really hard - and not just at our jobs! Arriving at our humble abode the first day, we felt a lot of excitement, but coupled with extreme shock at the deteriorating condition of the house. This is going to be our home for a whole year - we want to be proud of the place we live! SO, we have taken every free moment we have (yes, including our entire weekend) and taken matters into our own hands. We have cleaned, organized, dusted, disposed, donated, eliminated clutter, scraped peeling paint off the walls, washed windows, and even mowed the lawn! It has been exhausting and frustrating at times, but we're keeping in mind how much better it will look after we're done! And it's been great bonding for us as we attempt things that we're probably not totally qualified to do (I have never in my life scraped paint, sanded, and spackled an entire room), and it's made for some great dance parties!

We also took a roomie trip downtown to the River Walk to a dance club called Acapulco Sam's on Friday night, which was an insane amount of fun despite it being probably close to a million degrees in there. For a while we were the only ones out there dancing, but we didn't care! It was so great to be out there, all 7 of us, just letting go and having fun after an intense week of work at our agencies AND in our house. I can't wait for us to explore the city some more!

Overall, it has been a wonderfully exhausting couple weeks. I'm definitely still settling in, and I'm realizing more and more about how challenging this experience is. It's not just a JVC year - it's responding to God's call to serve, which has drawn me way out of my comfort zone in all sorts of ways: new city, new responsibilities, new community, new adjustments, new lifestyle. There have been great times so far and also really challenging times when I question my purpose here. However, I am still confident in God's plan for me, and the things that this year has to offer me, both joyful and difficult.

Thanks everyone for your support and love!

Missing everyone so much!



P.S. More pictures!!!

Our Lady of Guadalupe Church!
(our parish church and next-door neighbors!)

Our humble abode :)

MY office at the Seton Home!

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