Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Love is right here, love is alive

So, I thought you all would appreciate this short story from work today.

The Board of my agency has a meeting every 2-3 months to discuss finances, policies, other updates, etc. As the Faith Formation Coordinator (so official), I always provide the opening prayer at these meetings. Recently, the CEO of my agency, Margret, had requested that a resident speak at each Board meeting, introduce themselves and how Seton Home has helped them, so the Board members can put a face to the cause they support.

For this month's meeting (today), I asked a certain resident to speak who had been at Seton Home for a while, has a 2 1/2 year old son, and had recently earned her GED.
She was incredibly poised, polite, and so mature as she walked around and introduced herself to each Board member.

When it was her time to speak, she was so calm, it seemed as though this was the 100th time she’d spoken in front of that many people.

She expressed, through tears, that Seton Home taught her that 1) you’re never alone, 2) that failure is not an option, and 3) how to be a good, nurturing parent.
She explained that Seton Home helped her accomplish things that she never would have accomplished if she had not been living here.

And THAT is what I work for everyday.

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